Andres Castano

Last Position
NASA / Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Senior Member of Technical Staff
Mobility and Robotic Systems
4800 Oak Grove Dr.
Pasadena, CA 91109

I’m an Electrical Engineer with a background in robotics (manipulators, reconfigurable, and military and planetary rovers) and computer vision (object detection, recognition and identification). My last position was at the Robotics section at NASA / JPL, Caltech. I’ve worked in a variety of research projects under sponsorship of DARPA, military branches and NASA, for which I wrote, among others, the Dust devil and Cloud detectors for the Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, and the Mars Science Laboratory rover, Curiosity. Before JPL, I was at the Information Sciences Institute/USC, working on reconfigurable robots. Presently, I am taking some years off while my children grow up, with a 2-year interlude as a contractor for an Augmented Reality start-up. I spend my time taking care of the kids, learning Japanese, and exploring unsolved math problems. My wife Becky and I have three children: Sofi, age 17, and twins Danny and Bella, age 15. Mitzy, our Shih-Tzu, rounds up the family.